SSRA Membership Survey on Returning to Squash

In early April, 2021, SSRA surveyed its membership an attitudes about returning to squash, with 94 responses. In addition to some multiple choice questions, we solicited comments as well. Here is what we learned.

  • Strong desire to play without masks when that is possible (and also when showers are available)

  • Would like some kind of sponsored organized play until leagues resume

  • Strong preference to play with only vaccinated players, locating these within own circle or perhaps a list maintained by clubs

  • Continue getting updates from Seattle Squash

Answers to some questions:

Are you back to playing squash?

Yes: 33 No: 61

If not, are you planning on coming back?

Yes: 66 No: 2 No reply: 26

If you are planning on coming back, what will determine when you come back?

When I am vaccinated:  25

When a majority of the population is vaccinated: 13

When I am vaccinated and majority of population is vaccinated: 13

Some other reason:  18

No reply: 25

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2021 Survey SSRA help.jpg

The WESA Knockabout Returns!


The Return of Squash in the Time of Covid