2018 AGM

Last night, we held our 2018 AGM at the Seattle Athletic Club, ironically around a table tennis table.

In attendance were Henry Weber (President), Steve Jamieson (Vice President), Eric Williams (Secretary), Karen Arango (Treasurer), Allan Bakalian (Trustee), Brandi Conforth (Trustee), Jim Jean-Francois (Trustee), Therese Tuppeny and Fawad Abbas.

Read the president's report

We'll post minutes from the meeting to our website once they are available.

We'd like to welcome Therese Tuppeny and Fawad Abbas to the board. They were both voted in unanimously and we are very much looking forward to their contribution and thank them for volunteering their time to the SSRA and to the local squash community.

We'd also like to acknowledge Steve Jamieson, who has resigned from our board after an incredible tenure and contribution to the SSRA. Steve has served on the board for approximately 20 years (!) and has taken on many roles during that time, including League Administrator, Treasurer and most recently, Vice President. Steve - thank you for everything you have done!

The following officers were re-elected last night as well:

  • President: Henry Weber

  • Secretary: Eric Williams

  • Treasurer: Karen Arango

We're looking forward to a great year ahead!


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